Yokote City Tourism Promotion Organization© Yokote City Tourism Promotion Organization

横手市駅前町5-1 横手駅東口観光案内所内
TEL 0182-38-8652・8653 /
FAX 0182-38-8663


  • Old-fashioned
  • Old-fashioned


    Mr. Naruki tells the legend and old tale of the local town in Akita dialect.


    ● regularly old-fashioned party
    Held at Kojimi (Yokotechojiji Town) on the 4th Saturday of every month
    Otherwise, if requested, Mr. Naruto will visit us and will tell you the old days.

    Fees and costs

    Regular meeting is free, consultation is required when requested

    Number of persons accepted

    Request for consultation

    Contact Form

    Yokote Old-fashioned Association "Toppin parari no poo"
    TEL (+81)182-33-3070